About me

Hi, I'm Rudi Martinsen
I am working as a Senior Cloud Architect at Intility in Norway.
In my role I am working with the VMware platform and surrounding tech. Our goal is to automate all components which is my main area of focus as well as the architecture of if.
In 2018 I was regonized as a VMware vExpert for the first time, an award I also received in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. In 2020 I also got included in the vExpert Cloud Management and vExpert Application Modernization sub-programs which was renewed in 2021, 2022 and 2023, and from 2021 I'm also one of the inagural members of the vExpert Avi sub-program which also was renewed in 2022 and 2023.
In 2021 I was included in the Tanzu Vanguard community.
From 2019 I am also part of the Norwegian VMware User Group leadership team.
I also hold some certifications, mainly focused on VMware and HPE, and I've even had the great pleasure of contributing to VMware certifications. For more details check out my LinkedIn profile or check the badges issued through Acclaim.
Over the years I have had some speaking engagements. A list can be found here
I've done some sporadic attempts on blogging previously, some of it have been private only. This blog will mainly be a place for me to document some of the things I'm interested in and working with at work. If anyone else would find it interesting, well that's great! If you really like my work and want to donate you can buy me a coffee.
Please note that this is my private blog and it does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of my employer, disclaimer.
If you for any reasons want to get in touch check out the "Follow me" section in the sidebar or the links page. If you want to send me an email my email address is info[at]rudimartinsen.com