Speaking at VMworld Europe 2018
The schedule builder for VMworld Europe 2018 in Barcelona is finally live and sessions can be scheduled.
For the first time I will have a session at VMworld, as one of the vBrownBag/VMTN community sessions, and I'm really excited about this.
It is very cool that these community sessions are available in the schedule builder and can be scheduled as other sessions. My session is:
**Realtime Performance Monitoring - For FREE [VMTN5524E]**
The session will be a quick presentation of the work I did through my Performance monitoring blog series. I have only 30 minutes so I won't be able to cover all of it, but hopefully I will be able to focus on the most important parts and that I can demo some of it.
Hope to see many of you there!
This page was modified on April 1, 2019: Fixed categories and tags